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November 14, 2016

Gregory McGillivary featured in The New York Daily News

Attorney, Gregory K. McGillivary, was featured in The New York Daily News regarding an overtime lawsuit brought by McGillivary Steele Elkin LLP and Hope Pordy of Spivak Lipton.
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Mon, 11/14/2016

Attorney, Gregory K. McGillivary, was featured in The New York Daily News regarding an overtime lawsuit brought by McGillivary Steele Elkin LLP and Hope Pordy of Spivak Lipton. To view the article, click here.

Click the image to learn more about Greg.

Legal Representation for All Workers

When McGillivary Steele Elkin LLP decides to take your case, it is because we believe there is an unacceptable workplace violation that has negatively impacted you or resulted in your employer paying less than what the law requires and which we have a reasonable chance of remedying. We recognize that meritorious claims should not go unremedied because of the level of a person’s resources.

To ensure accessible and available legal representation for all our clients, MSE handles cases through different forms of fee arrangements, including contingency fees, hourly fees and fixed fees.

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